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Saturday, 29 May 2021

7 Tricks You Can Make To Start Losing Weight Today

Losing weight can be a very difficult task to overcome especially for those who are highly motivated. In addition, as a person ages the more difficult it gets to maintain an appropriate weight.
One thing many people wonder is if there are any ways to "reverse engineer" life moments (just my fancy way of saying tricks) to help with weight loss.
Here are 9 weight loss tricks you can start using today:


Studies have shown that eating food off smaller sized plates lead to eating less.
For example, studies were conducted in a controlled laboratory setting where they focused on food and eating habits of participants. They found that many participants had no clue of the changes in the portions offered and how it affected the amount they had eaten (1).
This leads to overeating! Don't overeat!
Unfortunately overeating happens more often than we think. So to solve that problem, pay real close attention to your bowls and dishes. Or better yet, ask for a smaller portions if you're trying to to lose weight. Save leftovers in a to-go box. If you've been constantly on the lookout for weight loss tricks, mark that down!


The study also explains that the more people get distracted (eating out for example), the more they become unaware of the portion sizes handed to them. People who were served 50% more pasta ended up eating 43% more than those with normal portions. Yikes!


An average American adult spends approximately 5 hours a day watching television. Now, it's safe to assume that the time could be spent planning meals for the rest of the week or getting more exercise throughout their day!
If you're one of them (Don't worry, I won't tell anyone) here are a couple of ways to make use of those extra hours:
  • Yoga: Doing yoga regularly offers many benefits, including making you feel better about your body as you become stronger and more flexible, toning your muscles, reducing stress, and improving your mental and physical well-being. It also helps with weight loss and you can do it practically anywhere inside your home.
  • Dancing
  • Collect bugs
  • Wash or walk the dog
  • Wash the car
  • Water your garden
  • Write an autobiography or a short story
  • Meditation
  • Read a newspaper
  • Browse the internet
  • Make a weight loss smoothie


Many people often associate fruit with sugar--specifically the health conscious eaters. While it is a source of natural sugar, some fruits are rich in fiber and will work wonders for kickstarting your metabolism.
Here are some examples of fruits with plenty of fiber content:
  • Raspberries
  • Blackberries
  • Apples
  • Oranges
  • Flaxseeds
  • Grapefruit
  • Watermelons


It's commonly known that the longer your body stays up the more time your hunger signals will kick in, signaling that it's time to eat again--leading into a snacking trap. Curb your cravings by going to bed before those evil cravings get the chance to cry over more food!
You can set the alarm clock at an earlier time instead and enjoy the remaining left over time for some exercise, meditation or meal prepping.


Basically any time you eat make sure to give yourself the right portion sizes. Once you finish one portion and are craving for more, put yourself on timeout for at least 20 minutes to see if you're still feeling hungry.
Why 20 minutes?
It takes our bodies around 20 minutes to recognize that we're physically full. And if your stomach still isn't happy, feel free to help yourself to more food. This little trick actually works quite effectively.


As humans, our bodies can react in interesting ways to temperature changes. The warmer the temperature is, the less energy/calories your body needs to keep you warm.
What does this mean?
When our bodies are in the thermoneutral zone, this is where our body does not have to regulate our body temperature, so we feel less inclined to eat because we already feel relaxed and the need for satisfaction is less likely to be strongly desired.
However, when our bodies are above or below this zone, we increase the amount of energy we spend, which "decreases energy stores", such as fat (2).

4 Ways to Manipulate Hormones To Help You Lose Stubborn Fat

When it comes to losing weight there are many factors that affect your progress. Your brain is actually one of the biggest obstacles that stop you from achieving the weight loss results you want.
And it doesn't stop there. Even household chemicals can play a major role in weight gain.
Even to diligent eaters a slice of cheesecake can be irresistible. What bugs us humans is why we sometimes give in to temptation even though we know we have our better judgments.
Researchers at the Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital (MNIH) have found a possible explanation: The second we see delicious food, a hormone in our bodies called ghrelin starts to send irresistable signals to the brain telling us to just eat that cake, now.
This is one of many found results in research destined to find out the causes of being overweight. “We’re closer to recognizing just how complicated obesity is,” explains Arya Sharma, MD, professor of medicine at the University of Alberta.
He also added that the good news is a matter of what causes us to gain weight and hold on to it, the faster we can find a cure for obesity, or simply a solution to just dropping those extra 10 pounds.
For now, weight-loss treatments (typically calorie reduction and exercise) must be maintained forever.
Either way, here’s a good list of what should be kept in mind for weight loss:


The MNIH researchers studying the gut hormone ghrelin (using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)) found that it increases the neural response—therefore, appetite in regions of the brain appetite in regions of the brain responsible for "programming" the feeling of reward in the values of food. “In other words, when we see food we like, we are exceedingly compelled to eat it,” says Alain Dagher, a neurologist at MNIH. “Unfortunately, our brains are likely wired to value high-calorie foods, which is important if food is scarce or difficult to obtain,” he explains.
Here's a tip: Increase the appeal of low-calorie foods by thinking about them more positively. Rethinking about almonds is a sure good way to start.


According to a study in the March 2008 Archives of Internal Medicine, any decreases to the functioning of the thyroid is associated with weight gain. When this gland in the neck does not secrete enough hormones, it can result in lower metabolic rates (symptoms include fatigue and weight gain).
However, Caroline Fox, MD, an endocrinologist at the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, says her research group was surprised to discover that women whose serum thyrotropin (TSH) levels were relatively high, but still within the normal range used by doctors to diagnose thyroid conditions, gained up to four pounds over three and a half years compared to women whose TSH did not increase.
“If a patient feels she has gained excess weight or has trouble losing weight despite adherence to a healthy lifestyle, she should talk to her physician,” says Fox, who adds that this research is too preliminary to consider tinkering with the current range for medical diagnosis.


Research shows that exposure to endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) at an early stage in life can increase the risk of certain cancers; bisphenol A (BPA) may be one of these chemicals. Now a team at Tufts University has discovered yet another reason to avoid prenatal or perinatal exposure to BPA: It may cause weight gain later in life.
Retha Newbold of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences says the findings in animals may also be true for humans. “When a fetus or baby is exposed to endocrine-disrupting chemicals, the body’s set point the balance between energy in, as calories, and energy burned is irreversibly altered,” she explains.
Of course, EDC exposure is not the only risk factor for obesity—diet and exercise are major players—nor does exposure early in life guarantee weight troubles later. “But it does help explain why some people have more difficulty losing weight and keeping it off than others,” Newbold adds. For now, she recommends avoiding EDCs where possible, including phthalates (found in some cosmetics and cleaning products) and BPA. That means opting for fresh foods over canned (many of which have a lining that contains BPA), avoiding polycarbonate water bottles and not heating foods in plastic containers.


According to research published in the journal Cell Metabolism, subcutaneous fat, which is found around the hips and bottom, may actually provide some protection against type 2 diabetes. “Subcutaneous fat appears to make a substance that is secreted into the blood and improves insulin sensitivity and metabolism,” says C. Ronald Kahn, MD, a researcher from the Joslin Diabetes Center in Boston.
When it comes to belly fat, University of Western Ontario professor Kaiping Yang reported a startling discovery. The kind of fat cells found in the abdomen produce a hormone—neuropeptide Y—that acts as an appetite stimulant. (Appetite was formerly thought to originate only in the brain). Worse, the hormone stimulates further fat cell production. This research, published in The FASEB Journal, suggests that women who tend to carry weight around their middle may find it harder to lose overall body fat.
And it’s tough to spot-reduce belly fat with exercise, say certified fitness consultant Scott Tousignant. The best approach to slim down all over is combined aerobic and resistance exercise. “When resistance exercises are done properly, they should elevate your heart rate,” he says.

Discover 3 Principles to Eat More and Still Lose Weight Backed By Science

Trying to lose weight and going on a diet can become a nightmare for some people. And for others, it might be a normal healthy routine for them. But if you're the first type where dieting is not your cup of tea and love eating too much, then read on.
With so much information out there about how to lose weight fast or how to develop healthy eating habits, it's probably also a challenge to decide on what works best for you since you're bombarded with hundreds and thousands of information from a single search on google.
As a society we all grew up thinking that the way to lose weight fast and most efficiently is to drastically reduce our daily calorie intake, which most of the time just meant eating less food.
But we now realize that we can actually lose weight by eating more, if done in a well manner. Here are the 3 principles to eating more and still losing weight:


Beginners often feel a bit anxious when they hear that fats should be consumed to stay healthy and lose weight. The fact is there are healthy fats and bad fats. The macronutrients in good (healthy) fats will help kick away your hunger signals, making you feel full quicker. Regularly eating healthy fats can also impact blood insulin levels positively as well as reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes. And that should not be ignored, because type 2 diabetes affects nearly 300 million people worldwide and accounts for 90-95% of all adults who had diagnosed cases of diabetes, says a study from the Harvard School of Public Health.
Besides the fats found in processed fats however, all other fats should be just fine for a healthy lifestyle.
Some examples of healthy fats include:
  • Avocado
  • Coconut oil
  • Sunflower seeds
  • Cheese
  • Dark chocolate
  • Nuts
  • Fatty fish
  • Whole eggs
  • Extra virgin olive oil


Metabolism gets boosted by consumption of protein, helping you to feel full longer and avoid from bingeing. Fiber is a crucial nutrient that aids in losing weight as it reduces the absorption of sugar in the blood, helping you utilize the carbohydrates (glucose) for energy rather than storing it all as fat.
Berries, chia pudding, cheddar cheese, spinach, and eggs are some of the commonly known sources of protein and fibre. You can also eat salad, chicken, and zucchini noodles.


Stable blood sugar level is the key to lose weight. To maintain this, do not keep a long gap between two meals. Doing so will end up resulting in a spike in your blood sugar levels, making you overeat. A commonly recommended approach is to eat every 4 hours (because your body transitions into starvation mode around that time) in order to keep your blood sugar levels in check. In addition, it helps to avoid hunger and a bad mood. Also, a study suggested that a schedule for eating helps in reducing body fat accumulation.

Tuesday, 25 May 2021

7 Reasons Why Your Body Fat Is Not Going Down

If you are thinking to get rid of the fat from your belly or are constantly asking yourself how to lose body fat fast, then you are thinking the right way. Too much body fat overall is bad for you. Why? Because you end up generating adipose hormones and adipokines which are the bad guys that travel to your blood vessels and organs, and wreak havoc. In doing this, they cause inflammation that can lead to unpleasant problems like heart disease and diabetes. Who would want that? It's time to get off your horses and fight the forces of belly fat evil!


To shed belly fat, it's good to eat fat—specifically monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs). When researchers in one study asked women to switch to a 1,600-calorie, high-MUFA diet, they lost a third of their belly fat in a month. "MUFAs are satiating, so they help you eat fewer poor-quality foods," says David Katz, MD, director of the Yale Prevention Research Center. Have a serving of MUFAs—like a handful of nuts, a tablespoon of olive oil, or a quarter of an avocado—with every meal and snack. This will shed fat from your belly, giving you a before and after weight loss transformation :)


Depression sort of goes both ways. For example, I have seen people who put on weight when dealing with depression because they develop improper eating habits. When you're not in the best mood then you're probably not in the best mood to eat anything at the moment (unless you are seeking food to make yourself happier). Examples of poor eating habits as a result of depression / gloominess is someone that ends up eating one meal for a day. This leads to overeating of a single meal. It happens. But what I really wanted to mention was that women with depressive symptoms were far more likely to have extra belly fat, as found by a recent Rush University Medical Center study. That may be because depression is linked to reduced physical activity and poor eating habits as mentioned.


Simple carbs (like chips) and added sugar (in items like sweetened drinks) cause your blood sugar to spike, which triggers a flood of insulin—a hormone that encourages your liver to store fat in your middle. Instead of focusing on cutting out junk, you can lose fat naturally by focusing your efforts on adding in healthy alternatives (think extra servings of vegetables at each meal). As Dr. Katz says, "Filling your tank with high-quality fuel thwarts hunger."


Magnesium regulates more than 300 functions in the body. No surprise, then, that a 2013 study found that people who consumed more of it had lower blood sugar and insulin levels. Regarding how to burn fat fast, try at least twice a day to reach for magnesium-rich foods such as dark leafy greens, bananas, and soybeans.


A study in Obesity found that diet soda drinkers were more likely to have a high percentage of fat in their bellies. The researchers think that diet drinkers may overestimate the calories they're "saving," and then overeat. Yikes!


When Swedish researchers gave one group of adults 750 extra daily calories, mainly from saturated fat, and another group the same amount of calories but mostly from polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) for seven weeks, the saturated fat group accumulated two times as much visceral fat. Dine on fatty fish like salmon or trout once a week to get a good dose of PUFAs. The rest of the time, reduce your intake of red meat and opt instead for protein low in saturated fat, such as legumes and chicken.


According to a 2013 Danish study, beer may indeed be linked with abdominal obesity. And although beer appears to have the greatest impact, don't think that you can get away with wine in any matter --- one study found that the amount of alcohol of any type that women drank contributed to weight gain. Surely you won't be able to burn fat fast when you're consuming alcohol all the time. What should you do? Stick with seven or fewer alcoholic beverages a week. Light to moderate drinkers are the least likely to carry excess weight anywhere, shows a recent Archives of Internal Medicine study.

5 Evidence-Based Ways To Burn Belly Fat And Keep It Off For Life

If you were wondering how to lose belly fat and struggling to decide with all of the information out there that are attempting to feed you information to solve your problems, this post aims to shed some light on helping you find the right and effective solutions to make a better decision on how to burn that belly fat off from you. I understand that its not easy to get rid of. If you are reading this post then you are showing an enough motive to be able to make a change. That being sad, you are the only person who can murder that belly fat away from you. It is only you that will be able to save you from the evil forces of belly fat evil. So now, allow me to present to you the six best ways to lose belly fat so that you can be on the right path to a better body! Let those jaws drop!



Added sugar is extremely unhealthy. But it makes food taste delightful most of the time! While some of us may choose to not monitor their sugar intake regularly, it is very important to know that sugar can lead to lots of health problems. Sugar was found to be linked to belly fat increase. You can find sugar everywhere such as processed foods, so it is understandably common that people are constantly searching for fatest ways to lose weight. Everywhere modern processed foods go, chronic diseases like obesity, type 2 diabetes and heart disease soon follow. The studies are clear on this... when people abandon their traditional foods in favor of modern processed foods high in sugar, refined flour and vegetable oils, they get sick. Studies show that it has uniquely harmful effects on metabolic health. And guess what I found out? That people are eating more processed foods than ever before! Here is a graph below that represents how consumption of processed foods have increased in the past few decades: (Keep in mind that even though it looks like people are still eating most of their foods "at home" - this does not take into account the fact that most people are also eating processed foods at home) Sugar is half glucose, half fructose… and fructose can only be metabolized by the liver in any significant amount. When you eat a lot of refined sugar, the liver accumulates fructose which is then forced to turn it all into fat. A number of studies have shown that excess sugar, mostly due to the large amounts of fructose, can lead to increased accumulation of fat in the belly. How about switching out some of the sugary foods and start implementing some fat burn green tea in your diet? You may look into fat burning supplements. Some believe that this is the primary mechanism behind sugar’s harmful effects on health… it increases belly fat and liver fat, which leads to insulin resistance and a host of metabolic problems. Liquid sugar is even worse... Liquid calories don’t even get "processed" by the brain in the same way as solid calories, so when you drink sugar-sweetened beverages, you end up eating more total calories. Studies show that sugar-sweetened beverages are linked to a 60% increased risk of obesity in children… per each daily serving. (I heard a liquid diet meal planner can work out well) A study conducted by Johnson RJ has found that total sugar intake has skyrocketed in the past 160 years, as seen in the graph below: Make a decision to minimize the amount of sugar in your diet, and considercompletely eliminating sugary drinks so that you don't suffer from weight gain as well. This includes sugar-sweetened beverages, fruit juices, various sports drinks, as well as coffees and teas with sugar added to them. Keep in mind that none of this applies to whole fruit, which are extremely healthy and have plenty of fiber that mitigates the negative effects of fructose. The amount of fructose you get from fruit is negligible compared to what you get from a diet high in refined sugar. And if you want to cut back on refined sugar, then you must start reading labels. Even foods marketed as health foods can contain huge amounts of sugar. The bottom line is this: excess sugar consumption may be the primary influence and growth of belly fat accumulation, especially sugary beverages like soft drinks and fruit juices.


Protein is the most important macronutrient when it comes to losing weight. It has been shown to reduce cravings by 60%, boost metabolism by 80-100 calories per day and help you eat up to 441 fewer calories per day. If weight loss is your goal, then adding protein to your diet is perhaps the single most effective change you can do. Maybe you can combine a keto diet or an atkinds diet ;) Not only will it help you lose… it can also help you avoid re-gaining weight if you ever decide to abandon your weight loss efforts. There is also some evidence that protein is particularly effective against belly fat (YES) One study showed that the amount and quality of protein consumed was inversely related to fat in the belly. That is, people who ate more and better protein had much less belly fat (19). Another study in Denmark showed that protein, especially animal protein, was linked to significantly reduced risk of belly fat gain over a period of 5 years. This study also showed that refined carbs and vegetable oils were linked to increased amounts of belly fat, but fruits and vegetables linked to reduced amounts. Many of the studies showing protein to be effective had protein at 25-30% of calories. That’s what you should aim for. Integrate some fat burning foods to go along with this approach like the golden milk for an extra added healthy diet for losing belly fat quicker :) So… make an effort to increase your intake of unprocessed eggs, fish, seafood,meats, poultry and dairy products. These are the best protein sources in the diet. If you struggle with getting enough protein in your diet, then a quality protein supplement (like whey protein) is a healthy and convenient way to boost your total intake. Here's a good tip: consider cooking your foods in coconut oil… some studies have shown that 30 mL (about 2 tablespoons) of coconut oil per day reduces belly fat slightly. (Wow!) Recommendation: eating enough protein is a very effective way to lose weight. Some studies suggest that protein is particularly effective against belly fat accumulation.


Carb restriction is a very effective way to lose fat. This is supported by numerous studies… when people cut carbs, their appetite goes down and they lose weight. Over 20 randomized controlled trials have now shown that low-carb diets lead to 2-3 times more weight loss than low-fat diets. This is true even when the low-carb groups are allowed to eat as much as they want, while the low-fat groups are calorie restricted and hungry. Low-carb diets also lead to quick reductions in water weight, which gives people near instant results… a major difference on the scale is often seen within a few days. There are also studies comparing low-carb and low-fat diets, showing that low-carb diets specifically target the fat in the belly, and around the organs and liver. What this means is that a particularly high proportion of the fat lost on a low-carb dietis the dangerous and disease promoting abdominal fat. Just avoiding the refined carbs (white breads, pastas, etc) should be sufficient, especially if you keep your protein high. However… if you need to lose weight fast, then consider dropping your carbs down to 50 grams per day. This will put your body into ketosis, killing your appetite and making your body start burning primarily fats for fuel. Of course, low-carb diets have many other health benefits besides just weight loss. They can have life-saving effects in type 2 diabetics, for example. What you should take from this: studies have shown that low-carb diets are particularly effective at getting rid of the fat in the belly area, around the organs and in the liver.


Dietary fiber is mostly indigestible plant matter. It is often claimed that eating plenty of fiber can help with weight loss. This is true… but it’s important to keep in mind that not all fiber is created equal. It seems to be mostly the viscous fibers that can have an effect on your weight. These are fibers that bind water and form a thick gel that “sits” in the gut. This gel can dramatically slow the movement of food through your stomach and small bowel, and slow down the digestion and absorption of nutrients. The end result is a prolonged feeling of fullness and reduced appetite. One review study found that an additional 14 grams of fiber per day were linked to a 10% decrease in calorie intake and weight loss of 2 kg (4.5 lbs) over 4 months. In one 5-year study, eating 10 grams of soluble fiber per day was linked to a 3.7% reduction in the amount of fat in the abdominal cavity, but it had no effect on the amount of fat under the skin. What this implies, is that soluble fiber may be particularly effective at reducing the harmful belly fat. The best way to get more fiber is to eat a lot of plant foods like vegetables and fruit. Legumes are also a good source, as well as some cereals like oats. Then you could also try taking a fiber supplement like glucomannan. This is one of the most viscous dietary fibers in existence, and has been shown to cause weight loss in many studies. Note: there is some evidence that soluble dietary fiber may lead to reduced amounts of belly fat, which should cause major improvements in metabolic health.


Exercise is important for various reasons. It is among the best things you can do if you want to live a long, healthy life and avoid disease. Getting into all of the amazing health benefits of exercise is beyond the scope of this article, but exercise does appears to be effective at reducing belly fat. However… keep in mind that I’m not talking about abdominal exercises here. Spot reduction (losing fat in one spot) is not possible, and doing endless amounts of crunches will not make you lose fat from the belly. In one study, 6 weeks of training just the abdominal muscles had no measurable effect on waist circumference or the amount of fat in the abdominal cavity. That being said, other types of exercise can be very effective. Aerobic exercise (like walking, running, swimming, etc) has been shown to cause major reductions in belly fat in numerous studies. Another study found that exercise completely prevented people from re-gaining abdominal fat after weight loss, implying that exercise is particularly important during weight maintenance. Exercise also leads to reduced inflammation, blood sugar levels and all the other metabolic abnormalities that are associated with central obesity. Exercise can be very effective if you are trying to lose belly fat. Exercise also has a number of other health benefits. If you don't have a gym membership, try looking into LA fitness, Planet Fitness, or UFC. Along with your exercises you should keep in mind other factors to watch your fat burning as well as maintaining healthy meals, healthy chicken recipes, healthy snacks and healthy smoothies.

9 Best Exercises To Melt Your Belly Fat

Most of us can agree that if we want to create lean, healthy muscle tissue in our stomachs, it is not the most pleasant experience on the road. The abs are a problem area for many people, and you may have to shed fat before your stomach muscles become visible. That being said, not all abs are created equal. Some people need to work their abs to exhaustion (or death for some) before they can even flatten out their bellies, while other people seem to get their abs to shine atop the Everest Mountain without sweating a couple grains of salty body liquid. But regardless of where you stand on the fitness spectrum, the following exercises below will definitely help to get your abs to show in a short period of time. These workouts target all three planes of your core – frontal, lateral and transverse; and with the circuit style routine, these workouts intensity will remain high and you’ll burn tons of fat – everywhere! Instructions:
  • Perform each exercise for 30 seconds, one after the other with 10 seconds of rest between moves.
  • Start with 2 circuits and work yourself up to 5 circuits.
  • For maximum results, perform this workout 3 times a week on non-consecutive days.
Note: These exercises make use of a barbell (with weights) and a medicine ball with the exception of the last two at the bottom.


  • Load the bar with 10-pound plates and kneel on the floor behind it. Your shoulders should be over the bar.
  • Brace your abs and roll the bar forward, reaching in front of you until you feel your hips are about to sag.
  • Roll yourself back.


  • Lie back on the ball with feet shoulder-width apart on the floor. Your lower back should be supported by the ball.
  • Place your hands behind your ears and tuck your chin.
  • Curl your body up off the ball until you’re sitting up.


  • Lie on your back with legs straight and extend your arms by your sides.
  • Lift your heels about 6 inches and rapidly kick your feet up and down in a quick, scissor-like motion.


  • Set a barbell on a power rack at about shoulder height (if you don’t have a rack, clean it to your shoulders).
  • Grasp the bar with hands at shoulder width and raise your elbows until your upper arms are parallel to the floor.
  • Take the bar out of the rack and let it rest on your fingertips—as long as your elbows stay up, you’ll be able to balance the bar.
  • Step back and set your feet at shoulder width with toes turned out slightly. This is important – squat as low as you can without losing the arch in your lower back.


  • Lie on the floor and hold onto a bench or the legs of a heavy chair for support.
  • Keep your legs straight and raise them up until they’re vertical.
  • Lower back down, but stop just short of the floor to keep tension on your abs before the next rep.


  • Sit on the floor in the top position of a situp and, holding a medicine ball with both hands, extend your arms in front of you.
  • Explosively twist your body to one side and then twist back. Alternate sides.


  • Hold the ball with both hands and get into pushup position on the floor.
  • Drive one knee up to your chest and then quickly drive it back while you raise the opposite knee.


  • Get into pushup position and bend your elbows to lower your forearms to the floor.
  • Hold the position with abs braced.


  • Lie on your left side resting your left forearm on the floor for support.
  • Raise your hips up so that your body forms a straight line and brace your abs—your weight should be on your left forearm and the edge of your left foot.
  • Hold the position with abs braced.

Sunday, 23 May 2021

4 Healthy Eating Principles To Lose Weight Faster


Your body needs fuel to exercise, and the source of that fuel is food. That's why some people report feeling hungrier when they start to work out. If you're trying to lose weight, this could be counterproductive—unless you find the right balance of healthy, filling foods. (Snack AND lose weight with this box of Prevention-approved treats from Bestowed.) The typical American diet is loaded with refined or simple carbohydrates such as white flours, rice, and pasta, and pastries, soda, and other sugary foods and drinks. These carbs, which lack the fiber found in complex carbs (whole grains, fruits, and veggies), are metabolized by your body quickly. So while you may feel raring to go after eating them, that energy boost will soon be followed by a major energy slump, making it hard to give your all during your workouts. In addition, if many of the foods you eat are metabolized quickly, you'll find yourself feeling hungry more often, which could mean more snacking and a higher calorie intake. To keep from eating back all the calories you've burned, stick to a diet based on these 6 science-backed components.


Eat at least 20 grams of fiber per day from vegetables, whole grains, and fruits. Fiber helps you by keeping you full for a longer period of time---a huge benefit when it comes to weight loss. A study from Brigham Young University College of Health and Human Performance demonstrated that women who ate more fiber significantly lowered their risk of weight gain. Each gram of fiber eaten was linked to 1/2 pound less body weight. The researchers suspected that higher fiber intake led to a reduction in total calories over time.


Strive for three servings of calcium- and vitamin D-rich foods a day. These nutrients often occur together in foods, especially dairy. Calcium and vitamin D work together in your body, primarily to strengthen your bones. But if the latest research is any indication, both of these nutrients may flex some muscle in your weight loss success. Dairy foods are the prime source of calcium and vitamin D in the diet. In a study from Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, college students who came closest to meeting the three-a-day dairy requirement while eating an otherwise healthy diet weighed less, gained less, and actually lost belly fat, compared with students who consumed little or no dairy. Moreover, vitamin D by itself may play a role in weight control. Extra body fat holds on to vitamin D so that the body can’t use it. This perceived deficiency interferes with the action of the hormone leptin, whose job is to tell your brain that you’re full. And if you can’t recognize when you’re satiated, you’re more likely to overeat. You may also want to consider a vitamin D supplement. The latest research suggests that this nutrient may be a factor in protecting you from everything from heart disease to memory loss and even chronic pain. Evidence is mounting that we need more than the current recommended intakes, especially as we age, because older skin produces less vitamin D (and sunscreens block the body’s ability to use sunlight to produce this vitamin). That’s why the leading experts in vitamin D research are now recommending a daily supplement of 1,000 IU of vitamin D—the kind most readily used by the body. Daily Recommended Calcium Intake Men and women ages 19-50: 1,000 milligrams Men and women age 51+: 1,200 milligrams Daily Recommended Vitamin D Intake Men and women ages 19-50: 200 IU Men and women ages 51-70: 400 IU Men and women age 71+: 600 IU


These include monounsaturated fatty acids and omega-3 fatty acids, found in oils, nuts, avocados, certain fish—and yes, even chocolate! Eat 3-4 servings daily. A study published in the journal Appetite shows how these fats—besides being good for your heart—can help you feel fuller longer after meals. The study participants with a higher intake of omega-3 fatty acids (more than 1,300 milligrams a day, either from foods or from supplements) reported feeling less hungry right after their meals, as well as 2 hours later, compared with a lower omega-3 intake (less than 260 milligrams a day). Less hunger means less munching and an easier time keeping calories in check. More specific research has been done on walnuts, a good source of monounsaturated fats. An Australian study had participants follow a healthy low-fat diet, either with walnuts or without. Both groups ate the same number of calories and lost approximately the same amount of weight at 6 months. But during the next 6 months of the year long study, the walnut-eaters continued to lose weight and body fat, while the other group stopped losing—even though they were still following the same diet.  

7 Fat Burning Juices for Quick Weight Loss You Must Have

Juicing for weight loss is not a new concept. It’s been doing the rounds since a few years. But, what we’re telling you here is not to go on a liquid diet but to add certain fresh juices to your daily meals that can help speed up weight loss. Drinking fresh juices is also a great way to load up on a variety of minerals, vitamins, fibre and antioxidants – all of which aid in revving up your metabolism and thus, you are able to burn more calories. These juices not only help you lose weight but they also offer a host of other health benefits. Have a look.


Carrots juice is great for weight loss as carrots are low in calories and full of fibre. A tall glass of carrot juice will keep you full until lunch, so you don’t have to worry about unwanted snack attacks. It had also been recommended that the best way to have carrots is in its raw form. Therefore, juicing it up could be a great idea. Carrot juice is also known increase bile secretion which helps in burning fat thus aiding weight loss. Add an apple, half an orange and some ginger to make a wonderful detox drink that will flush out all the toxins.


Drinking karela juice regularly stimulates the liver. It may not sound palatable to juice but the bitter gourd, but the truth is that it really helps in losing weight. Drinking karela juice regularly stimulates the liver to secrete bile acids which are required for metabolising the fat. Moreover, karela is very low in calories. A 100 gram serving of bitter gourds contains just 17 calories!


Foods that have high water content are low in calories. It is easy to understand that in order to lose weight you need to either eat less calories or burn more calories. Therefore, it’s a good idea to reserve a part of your meals for foods that not only low in calories but also keep you full for longer. Due to its high water and fibre content, cucumber juice fills you up easily and so, it can be a great meal filler. You can also squeeze some lime juice and add a few mint leaves to make a refreshing summer drink.


It’s great to start off your day with a glass of amla juice. It’s great to start off your day with a glass of amla juice. It helps in keeping your digestive system on track throughout the day and accelerates your metabolism. A faster metabolism helps in burning fat quickly. For better weight management, it is often suggested to drink amla juice on an empty stomach. Add a drop of honey as a form of natural sugar that will keep you active and energetic through the day.


Pomegranate juice helps in suppressing your appetite. Pomegranate juice is great for your skin and to get back your natural glow, but it may also help in weight loss. According to Delhi-based Weight Management Expert, Dr. Gargi Sharma, “Pomegranates are rich in antioxidants, polyphenols and conjugated linolenic acid - all of which help you burn fat and boost your metabolism. Pomegranate juice also helps in suppressing your appetite.”


Cabbage juice helps in relieving a lot of stomach problems. Cabbage juice helps in relieving a lot of stomach problems like bloating and indigestion, clears up your digestive tract and helps in quicker elimination of wastes. This aids your weight loss process. A lot of studies have shown that an increased intake of fiber can help in fighting fat. “High-fiber vegetables absorb the water in our body and form a gel like mass during digestion. This slows down the process and helps you to feel full for longer and prevents binging on other foods," explains Weight Management Expert, Gargi Sharma. You can blend cabbage with an apple and lime or with sweet veggies like carrot and beetroot.


This juicy fruit provides only 30 calories per 100 gram​s. This juicy fruit provides only 30 calories per 100 grams and keeps you hydrated. “It is rich in amino acid arginine which helps in burning fat,” says Dr. Gargi Sharma.

15 Simple Yoga Poses To Reduce Weight Quickly

Many people see yoga as a way for hippies to become one with the Earth. While I’m certainly not arguing that case there is so much more to yoga. Not many people associate yoga with weight loss because on the surface it appears you are just standing still in a lot of different poses. The thing about standing still in certain poses is that it puts a strain on muscles. This causes muscles to start to rip, in a good way. When the muscles rip they need to rebuild and that requires energy. Some of this energy is taken from the fat your body has stored. This is why some people believe that fat turns into muscle and vice versa. The first time people do yoga they assume it would be a breeze. Turns out some almost pass out in the first 10 minutes. This article includes a compilation of the 21 best yoga asanas (poses) for losing weight quickly and easily. A word of warning, some of these are difficult to do so don’t strain yourself the first time around. Yoga is something that needs to be practiced for many years before it can be mastered. You’ll find yourself feeling muscles that you didn’t even know existed because yoga provides you with a full body workout. Before you attempt these poses watch the videos for each. Some are meant for everyone and others are meant only for advanced yoga practitioners. That doesn’t mean that there aren’t other yoga asanas that you can perform that will help. There are hundreds of yoga asanas to perform that will benefit you. We just like the ones below because they can help push you to the limit and back again.


  • Improves digestion
  • Soothes anxiety and reduces fatigue
  • Relieves stress
  • According to traditional texts, this pose can increase appetite and reduce obesity


  • Stimulates the thyroid glands and abdominal organs
  • Improves digestion
  • Reduces fatigue
  • Tones the legs and butt


  • Stretches your belly, lungs, and chest
  • Strengthens the muscles at the back
  • Strengthens the thighs, calves, and ankels


  • Improves concentration and sense of balance
  • Strengthens the ankles and calves
  • Stretches the thighs, shoulders, and upper back


  • Strengthens the abdomen, thigh, buttocks, and spine
  • Improves digestion and balance
  • Relives stress


  • Stretches the abdomen and the chest
  • Improves posture
  • Stimulates the abdominal organs


  • Stretches and strengthens the shoulders, chest, and belly
  • Stimulates the abdominal organs
  • Relieves stress and improves posture


  • Strengthens the abdomen and hip flexors
  • Stimulates the kidneys and intestines
  • Relives stress and improves digestion


  • Stimulates the abdominal organs, thereby increasing their efficiency and improving digestion
  • Relieves constipation
  • Helps reduce fat in the abdominal area


  • Helps reduce fat in the abdominal region
  • Strengthens the spine


  • The abdominal organs are stimulated, thereby improving the digestive health of your body
  • Lowers heart beat rate and relieves physical and mental exhaustion


  • Tones the abdominal organs and improves digestion
  • Strengthens the arms, legs and spine
  • Calms the brain and relieves stress


  • Reduces stress and fatigue
  • Stimulates abdominal organs
  • Calms the brain


  • Improves balance
  • Strengthens legs, ankles, and the backs of the legs


  • Stretches the belly, arms, and legs
  • Improves your balance

Saturday, 22 May 2021

7 Mind-Blowing Diet Rules Backed By Science

When describing how you really feel about the latest miracle fix in the diet and fitness world, you'd probably often find yourself saying "What... the... heck?!" After all, how many times have you trusted logical sounding ideas, put all your faith in a diet strategy, only to find out that the time you invested was a waste—and you still haven’t given up? You see, when you really dig into the research, most of what you assume is correct about dieting is actually wrong. One of the diet rules for weight loss that we've heard more than any other:
A healthy diet begins with a great breakfast. There's just one problem: A good breakfast doesn’t guarantee an overall healthy diet. In fact, according to a survey conducted by the NPD group, nearly 90 percent of Americans now eat breakfast, and yet nearly 50 percent of Americans are either overweight or obese. There are two things you should know about breakfast actually:
1. Timing isn't as important as you think. You don’t need to eat immediately (or even within one hour) after you wake up. Your metabolism won’t be harmed. 2. Eating an early breakfast means you’re creating a bigger eating window (you eat for more total hours during the day), which might lead to more fat storage and more health problems, according to scientists at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies. If you eat your first meal at 7 a.m. and eat a late-night snack at 10 p.m., that’s 15 hours of eating—which might be more than your body wants.


No one meal is more important than any other. What matters most is total calorie intake, food selection (think salad versus Big Mac), and then how much time you spend eating each day. So if you don’t love breakfast, skip it. If you do, enjoy your morning meal but keep an eye on your feeding window to make sure you’re not eating more calories than you need.


We all know that dinner is the most popular meal to eat with friends and family, but most people think eating after dark is the cardinal sin of weight loss. Nothing could be more incorrect. Italian researchers compared eating earlier in the day (10 a.m.) to eating later in the day (6 p.m.) In that study, there was no difference in weight (pounds) lost, but the late eaters lost more fat. Several follow-up studies concluded the same thing—timing doesn’t matter. This statement from University of Oregon researchers sums it up well: “Eating too many calories causes weight gain regardless of when you eat them.” Living in a world where you can’t eat at night and can’t enjoy food with your friends and family is restrictive and doesn’t adhere to any science-backed rules of weight loss. You won’t become fat by eating at night—that will only happen if you overeat at night. If you’re aware of how much you should be eating within any given day, you can place those calories in whatever meal works best for your body.


From Atkins to the Paleo movement, carbohydrates have been criticized more than all of the ladies on the Real Housewives shows—combined. Here’s the real reason why carbs get such a bad reputation: Up to 50 percent of the carbohydrate intake in the typical American diet is in the form of highly processed carbs and sugar. So when people say carbs are bad, they’re usually just talking about eating lots of sugar. But that’s not really fair to every other food that also is labeled a carbohydrate. When compared to a typical American diet, a low-carb diet looks like the undisputed champ. However, when compared to a good carb-based diet that is low in sugar, refined foods, and gluten (like the “Japanese Diet”), the results are very different. Before 1991, when Japan was considered a carb-dominate society, diabetes and obesity rates were never greater than three percent of the population. If carbs in general were the enemy, with their high starch intake via rice and sweet potatoes, the Japanese would be the fattest, most diabetic and unhealthy population on the planet. However this was not the case, and their levels of obesity are a “problem” people in the United States wish they had.
Ignore the outdated "carbs are evil" diet rules. Your body needs carbohydrates. If you completely remove this essential nutrient from your diet, you could experience a down-regulation of the hormones that control fat loss, making it harder to have the lean, sexy body you want. A good general rule: Eat more carbs on the days you’re active and fewer carbs on the days you’re sedentary. And make sure most of your carbs come from whole foods such as fruits and vegetables.


Most miracle “fat-burning supplements” are about as effective as an hour of Prancercizing. But if you want to take a pill to help promote fat loss, your best bet is a vitamin that you associate with the sun. Researchers from Canada found that people with higher levels of vitamin D also have lower levels of body fat. The connection isn't a coincidence. Vitamin D helps you feel fuller because, according to Australian researchers, it releases more leptin, a hormone essential to weight loss. It also helps you store less fat by decreasing parathyroid hormone, which makes you hold on to your love handles. Best of all, vitamin D literally burns more fat by reducing production of the stress hormone cortisol.
Buying supplements to help you lose weight is not the best use of your hard-earned money. The most important things for weight loss are a healthy diet and exercise, but some supplements can help fill nutritional gaps that will help your body function more efficiently. Supplementing with 2,000 to 3,000 IU of Vitamin D3 is a smart investment for your overall health and fat-loss goals.


If you exercise with a high intensity, there’s nothing worse than feeling sick to your stomach because you felt forced to eat before you hit the gym or pavement. There’s a lot of science that shows eating before a workout is important, but “before a workout” is a much wider time range than you might think. In the simplest sense, your digestive process is very complicated. When you eat, the food does not go directly to your muscles or your gut. It takes time—a lot of time, in fact. So if you eat many hours before you train, there’s still plenty of fuel to help you perform and feel great.
Research published in the International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism found that the protein you eat digests anywhere between one gram per hour and 10 grams per hour. So if you have a meal consisting of 25 grams of protein, that meal could last in your system for up to 25 hours. Hydration level and sleep patterns also play a significant role in performance, so make sure you’re well rested and have plenty to drink, and then eat when it feels best for your body, even if it means a small meal or no meal at all.


Books like The China Study and movies like Forks Over Knives have pointed the finger at saturated fats—and all animal fats—as the reason for countless health problems. Yet all the research used to support this hypothesis took a very slanted bias and completely ignored populations that were incredibly healthy despite diets based on saturated fats. For example, people who live in Tokelau (a territory off of New Zealand) eat a diet that is 50 percent saturated fats, and they have cardiovascular health that is superior to any other group of people. Even Walter Willett, chairman of the Department of Nutrition at Harvard, has publicly stated (after a 20-year review of research) that fats—and more specifically saturated fats—are not the cause of the obesity crisis and are not the cause of heart disease.
Cholesterol actually acts as an antioxidant against dangerous free radicals within the blood. When there are high levels of undesirable substances in the blood (caused by inflammation in your arteries from eating highly processed foods and large quantities of sugars), cholesterol levels rise in order to combat these substances. Cholesterol is also necessary for the production of a number of hormones, some of which help fight against heart disease. Plus, research shows diets higher in saturated fats are often lower in total calories consumed.


Any diet that has you not eat at all is not a diet—it’s starvation. But there’s a difference between withholding what your body needs and reprogramming your body so that you can control your hunger and let your body recharge. The idea of fasting is nothing crazy. You do it every night when you sleep, which is a time that that is essential for optimal health. Yet the idea of going several hours without eating during daytime is frowned upon. When done correctly, fasting can actually help your body burn fat, recharge, and stay healthy. You’ve probably heard of cleanse diets that supposedly rid your body of toxins, improve the functioning of your internal organs, and help you age better. Most of these don’t work as advertised. The only real cleanse occurs at the cellular level. It’s called autophagy, and it’s your body’s ability to regenerate and become better. Autophagy makes your brain function a little better, helps with fat loss, and even assists in your ability to walk and breathe. But the more time you spend eating—as in actual hours during the day eating—the less time you spend in the autophagic process, which is why fasting isn’t a bad thing.
Researchers at the University of Utah found that people who fasted just one day per month were 40 percent less likely to suffer from clogged arteries. While there are many ways to fast, the important point is that you shouldn’t feel forced to eat if you’re not hungry. Short daily fasts (for 12 to 16 hours) or a once-per-week daily fast can have health benefits, and it will teach you to separate boredom or thirst from genuine hunger.

7 Easy Secrets To Look Slightly Slimmer By Tonight Revealed


Lactose sensitivity is way more common than you probably think--even if you possibly have the mildest case. Many people experience some form of negative side effects (most often gas and bloating) after milk, cheese or yogurt. We're not saying cut these out for good, but ahead of a big event, steer clear of dairy just to be safe, since you never really know how your body is going to react.


This is a commonly known trick of the celebrity beauty diet for a reason: It works. A glass of warm water with lemon in the morning jump-starts your digestive system and sets everything off on the right foot, right away. For an added kick, sprinkle in some cinnamon or cayenne pepper for extra anti-inflammatory power.


Salt causes the body to retain water, so it's best to stick to pepper when you're looking to feel slimmer.


When you eat too quickly, you swallow more air, which can cause bloat. Chew slower and more mindfully and maybe skip the after-lunch gum (which has a similar effect) while you're at it.


A number of foods are great at getting rid of unwanted bloat. Asparagus stimulates the growth of good gut bacteria; bananas contain high levels of potassium to flush excess sodium out of your system; and watermelons (90 percent water) also have natural diuretic properties. Snack accordingly.


If your eyes and cheeks are looking especially puffy, try this incredibly simple trick: Wrap an ice cube in a thin tea towel and rub over the affected areas. This eases inflammation and makes your features look instantly more defined.


As corny as it sounds, a lot of confidence comes from within. Walk into a room with your shoulders pulled back and head held high, knowing that you look great regardless. (And maybe pull in your core while you're at it.) Chances are you'll end up feeling and looking way better than if you were to walk in hunched over and emanating bad vibes. Fake it till you make it, folks.

4 Suprising Ways Sleep Can Help You Get Slim

When you want to slim down, the plan probably looks a bit like this: Step one, toss out the junk food; step two, pull out the running shoes; and step three, renew that gym membership (and actually use it). But a growing body of evidence suggests that getting a good night’s sleep should be on—or at least near—the top of the list. Few experts would disagree with the idea that we’ve become a nation in need of a pick-me-up. We stay up too late, we wake up too early and, increasingly, we’re overweight. While there’s plenty of data showing that poor sleep can lead to weight gain and possibly even obesity, some new research also shows that the opposite may also be true: that getting the right amount of good quality sleep may actually help you shed a few pounds. “Getting a full night of sleep is one of the most under-appreciated factors contributing to healthy weight maintenance,” says Matthew Walker, a professor of psychology and neuroscience at the University of California, Berkeley, who studies the effect of sleep on weight. Like all weight-loss strategies, sleep is not a quick fix, but consistently clocking a quality night’s sleep could be the secret sauce for your weight-loss plan. So keep the following lessons in mind when optimizing your sleep schedule for a more favorable number on the scale. Here’s why.


It takes a lot of willpower to order a salad over a pizza, and research shows that how much sleep you’ve clocked can make or break your resolve. In a small but intriguing study published in the journal Nature Communications, Walker and his research team put 23 healthy, non-obese men and women through two sleep-related tests. In the first experiment, the men and women got a full eight hours of sleep, and in the second they were sleep-deprived for one night. The following day, they were placed in a brain scanner and asked to rate how desirable certain foods were to them, from a piece of fruit to things like ice cream. After a full night of rest, the people in the study tended to prefer healthier foods. But when they were sleep-deprived, the same men and women not only craved more junk food, but the area of their brains in charge of making rational decisions—like healthy food choices—was inhibited. Overall, the sleep-deprived people wanted foods that contained on average 600 calories more than what they craved when they were well rested. “We are finding that getting a full night of sufficient sleep actually helps you reboot and refresh the circuits of the human brain, allowing it to make optimal food choices,” says Walker. “These food choices may put you on a path toward weight control, rather than weight gain.” And it’s not just pulling an all-nighter that can throw off your weight regulation. A 2013 study by University of Colorado researchers showed that losing a few hours of sleep a night for a few nights in a row can result in weight gain.


Getting a good night’s rest not only helps you fight the urge to reach for a bag of chips, but it also keeps your hunger pangs in check. Take a study of 1,024 volunteers that showed that when people didn’t get enough sleep, their hormone levels became unbalanced. Their levels of the hormone leptin, which is responsible for feeling full, dropped, and the levels of the appetite- inducing hormone ghrelin went up. Researchers think sleep helps our bodies keep those hunger hormones in line, making sure we feel hungry only when we should.


In 2012, Charles Elder, a researcher at the Kaiser Permanente Center for Health Research, recruited 472 obese adults into a weight-loss program that included weekly group meetings and counseling on diet and exercise. Elder and his colleagues measured a variety of factors, including levels of sleep, stress and depression. “At the beginning of the study, the people who told us they were sleeping six to eight hours a night ended up doing better in the weight-loss program than those who were sleeping less than six or more than eight hours,” says Elder. Stress mattered too. People who had low stress and were sleeping more than six but no more than eight hours a night were about twice as likely to have success in the program as people who had higher baseline stress and who were sleeping too much or too little. Elder’s study is not the only one to make the connection. A 2014 study of women ages 25 through 65 who were classified as overweight or obese and participated in a seven-month weight-loss intervention showed that women who had fragmented sleep and woke up five or more times a night lost less weight than the women who had higher-quality sleep. “The data makes us think that we should be paying attention to sleep patterns when we are offering sleep-management programs,” says Elder.


“Losing weight takes a lot of energy, and if you are sleeping too much it’s going to impact your energy level, and sleeping too little can have effects on your ability to focus and concentrate on all the tasks at hand,” Elder says. And though he can’t say for sure, Elder believes that one of the main reasons getting enough sleep is linked to successful weight loss is that it provides you with the drive you need to stick to your goals. Other research has shown that people who are sleepy often say they exercise less, opting instead for sedentary activities like watching TV.  

Friday, 21 May 2021

Lose Your Spare Tire in 12 Effortless Steps

You've just lost weight and you don't want to see that number go back up on your scale. Although gaining the weight back might feel inevitable, it doesn’t have to be. In fact a recent analysis by the National Weight Control Registry found long-term weight maintenance is possible — if you follow these key behaviors. Without further ado, here are 12 tricks that help lose weight and keep them off:


Maintaining or even increasing your metabolism is possible by continuing to build lean muscle. "Muscle has a higher metabolism than fat does," explains Emily Banes, RD, clinical dietitian at Houston Northwest Medical Center. If you don't yet train with weights, add this type of exercise to your overall program now. If you do, increase the amount of weight you're working with to keep yourself challenged.


A three-year University of Pittsburgh study of 284 women between the ages of 25 and 45 found that those who avoided weight gain the best were the ones whose meals kept them feeling full. "Keeping that feeling of fullness can be done with foods high in fiber — think fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein," says Jenna Anding, PhD, RD, of the department of nutrition and food science at Texas A&M University in College Station, Texas.


The University of Pittsburgh study also found that women who best controlled their weight were good at resisting the temptation to binge on forbidden treats. This doesn't mean never indulging in a gooey dessert again, but rather picking — and limiting — your moments. There are many ways to avoid daily temptations, including planning ahead when eating out, eating out less, and banning your worst weaknesses from the house.


Another hallmark of successful weight maintenance, according to the University of Pittsburgh study, is regularly counting calories. Use a journal such as MyFitnessPal to keep a running total throughout the day if that helps you keeps track of calorie consumption. In the weight-control survey, the women who were most successful at less than 1,800 calories a day and limited fat intake.


A maintenance diet has a lot of the same components as a weight-loss diet. Having a meal-by-meal plan that you can stick to, although it has more calories than your diet plan did, can act as a guide to keep you on track.


Experts recommend at least 30 minutes of physical activity five days a week, but emphasize that the more you exercise, the better able you are to maintain a weight loss. Participants in the weight control survey walked for at least 60 minutes daily — or burned the same calories with other activities — so aim for 60 to 90 minutes of physical activity every day.


According to a Center for Disease Control (CDC) study of more than 4,000 U.S. adults, the biggest factors in success were measuring portions and fats, the most caloric foods, in particular. This doesn't mean you have to carry a food scale everywhere you go, but using it as often as possible at home will teach you how to eyeball portion sizes at restaurants and immediately know how much to eat, and how much to take home in a doggie bag.


The same CDC study reported that people who weigh themselves once a day are twice as successful at keeping off lost weight as those who don't step on the scale as often. Daily weigh-ins, which can be discouraging when you're on a diet, can be a boon during maintenance; they let you see, and stop, any slow creep upward as soon as it happens.


According to a study of 338 adults, those who ate three or more servings of low-fat dairy daily were more likely to keep off the weight than those who ate one serving or less. For women in particular, this has the additional benefit of improving bone health.


When you can't count calories or measure portions accurately, Banes recommends using the "plate method" as a way to control the amount you're eating. A great tip for dieters, it works just as well for people on a maintenance plan. Simply put, when you serve yourself using this method, at least half your plate should be vegetables and the remaining space should be divided evenly between lean protein and whole grains. If you go back for seconds, limit yourself to vegetables, fruit or low-fat dairy.


In the National Weight Control Registry Survey, dieters who watched fewer than 10 hours of TV a week were more successful in maintaining weight loss than those who spent more time vegging out in front of the tube. And less TV time might have other benefits, too — an analysis from the Harvard School of Public Health found that too much TV can raise your risk for heart disease, diabetes, and death.


They call it the most important meal of the day for a reason. In the survey, women who regularly ate breakfast were more successful with long-term weight loss than those who skipped the first meal of the day. It’s best to eat similar healthy choices regularly (think oatmeal, Greek yogurt, and fresh fruit) and always start out with a good breakfast to avoid splurging or overeating on special occasions. Now that you know the secrets to long-term weight-loss success, get started with your weight management program today!

7 Simple Secrets of The Naturally Slim People

We all know the struggle of losing weight. It can be a daunting task to try and lose even a couple pounds. People can tell you hundreds and hundreds of ways to lose weight. Now, they may all be true, but only some of them are going to guarantee that you actually lose weight. This article includes 7 DIY tips that everyone can apply to their daily lives. While doing random tips aren’t going to help you drop a significant amount of weight we all need to start somewhere:


Don’t try to lose 20 pounds in the first few days of starting a healthy lifestyle. That just isn’t realistic. Set smaller goals for yourself. Have that one big goal (let’s say 20 pounds), but set smaller goals that you need achieve to get to your main goal. When you set small goals, things will seem much easier for you. Once you start seeing that you can achieve your smaller goals, you’ll get a mental boost that will keep you motivated to achieve your bigger goals. You won’t need anybody else to try and motivate you to do your best. Having smaller goals will allow you to see each step you need to take to reach your big goal. It makes you realize that going from point A to point B has a lot of steps in between, it’s not just a big leap and you’re at your goal.


I know this may sound weird at first because it makes sense that if you don’t eat as much, you will be able to lose weight. For the people that think this, they are significantly setting themselves back. Don’t skip any meals. Even if you are in a rush going somewhere, you need to make sure you eat something. One missed meal can set you back quite a bit when you are trying to lose weight. You are more likely to keep fat on your body when you skip a meal. Again, it sounds weird but that’s how it really is. The only way you may be able to get away with skipping a meal and getting not holding onto the fat is if you are on a ketogenic diet. This type of diet is going to turn your body into one that burns fat first, instead of sugar. Your body will look to burn fat at all times of the day, so skipping a meal MAY not hurt you as much. When you don’t skip a meal, you are ensuring that your body stays awake. Breakfast, for example, wakes your metabolism up and gets everything else going. The sooner you can get your system going, the easier it will be to lose weight and keep it off. Skipping meals also leads to more cravings throughout the day. You are more likely to snack a lot more as well. These are factors that are going to cause you to gain weight no matter what kind of diet you’re on.


Many people don’t understand the power of visualization. You have to be strong mentally to keep visualizing the same thing over and over again. You need to see the future you. See the pounds you want to lose just falling off your body. When you can see how you are going to look after dieting and working out after a few weeks, you are going to achieve that, as long as you take all the necessary steps to get that body. Even during days where you don’t feel like doing anything, you need to see yourself in a different way. Use that as motivation. The key to visualization is doing it every day. You can’t just do it once and expect that image to stay in your head. Visualizing what you’re going to look like on a daily basis will make everything easier and you’ll be more proud of yourself when you actually achieve that body.


Yes, popsicles. They aren’t made just for children. Popsicles are great for anybody that wants a quick snack that is low in calories and can help curb any cravings you may be having. You can make your own fruit popsicles if you don’t feel like having just a regular popsicle. They are fairly easy to make. Just cut up any fruit of your choosing, add it to an ice tray, fill in the empty space with water, place popsicle sticks in the tray, put the tray in the freezer, wait a couple hour and you have your own fruit popsicles. Depending on your diet, popsicles may go against it because a lot of them are filled with sugar. Just keep an eye out for what kind of popsicle you are eating and you’ll be okay.


We hear this often. You need to exercise if you want to lose weight. There are ways to lose weight with dieting, but exercise is going to help you drop weight much faster. You don’t have to workout for hours to lose weight. Being active for 30 minutes can get the job. Yes, working out longer is going to help you lose more weight, but you’ll be good with just 30 minutes if you are just starting out. Even if you can’t squeeze in 30 minutes, doing something every day is much better than doing nothing on some days. Try to break a sweat, increase your heart rate, force your lungs to work a little harder. The more you can make your body work, the more weight you can expect to be dropping.


Who knew that the way you’re sitting could stop you from losing certain weight. I bet you never knew that slouching could come back to hurt you. Having proper posture, standing or sitting, is going to work wonders for your body. The effects may not seem significant, but tiny adjustments in your posture will force your body to do work even though you might feel like you aren’t doing anything. Just sitting up straight in a chair can increase blood circulation to your core and force your abs to do more work. This is a simple way that you can drop weight. Even though it may not be a significant amount of weight, a little is always something positive to look to.


There may be times when you have a food craving out of nowhere. If you have a sweet tooth, it’s safe to assume that you usually have a craving for some kind of sweet after meals. This is a good way of staying at the weight you’re currently at. You need to do what you can to kill the cravings before they even start. The best way to do this is to make sure you are hydrated. Make sure you drink enough water throughout the day. Water may be the best craving suppressor there is.
