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Wednesday, 10 February 2021


Being stuck at home with my kids meant I had gained a great deal of weight.

The last 3 months saw me gain a whopping 35 lbs! I’m not proud of it but being stuck indoors especially the last 6 weeks with nothing to do but bake and eat meant I had piled on the pounds without realizing it.

Looking back it was probably the daily baking I was doing with my kids that had caused it

I decided to step on the scale and I was not impressed, I thought at best I had gained a maximum of 10lbs. I guess living in my PJs meant that I hadn’t even noticed what had happened.

Normally I would go super low carb/keto and see results quickly but this time I just couldn’t find the motivation to do it.

I needed a short sharp hit that would help me get me started quickly.

This is where the water fast comes in. I looked into it and decided I would give it a try. Yes, it would be hard but it could potentially be the boost I was looking for to kickstart my weight loss. I had done intermittent fasting in the past but this was something completely different.

I have never fasted for longer than one day. This was my first experience with water fasting.


Water fasting is where you eat or drink nothing but water. People may undertake water fasting to lose weight or for religious reasons.

I was allowing myself herbal clear teas as a warm drink as one of the side effects was feeling cold and plain water.


One of the main benefits of water fasting is Autophagy. Autophagy is a natural process of cleaning up bad cell matter that’s built up in your body.

– Supports fat loss and ketosis – Improves body composition – Lowers blood pressure – Decreases blood sugar – Supports healthy collagen in the skin – May slow down the ageing process


– Nutrient deficiencies – Dehydration – Hypertension – Hyponatremia – Dizziness and fatigue – According to this research, Autophagy could starve off Cancer


Some people do it for 3 days, 5 days, or 7 days. I actually wanted to do it for 5 but I felt so good that I continued for 7.


There are limited human studies on water fasting. This is not a prolonged diet and should be only used for the short term.


If you or any other person has a medical concern, you should consult with your health care provider or seek other professional medical treatment. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something that has been read on this blog or in any linked materials. If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor or emergency services immediately.

I am not a doctor, I am just telling you my experience, please be mindful of overexerting yourself, giving blood, or doing strenuous workouts. People have died from drinking too much water and flushing out electrolytes causing cardiac arrest so please be careful and do your research, Speak with your doctor if you are worried or need advice. 


I prepared myself mentally by doing some of the following:

– I got rid of all junk food and sweet treats in the house – I bought some water bottles to keep an eye on what I was drinking – Prepared some Sole Water for Electrolytes – Got some multivitamins in


– Sounds obvious but don’t eat anything

– Drink water when you feel hungry or thirsty but don?t overdo it – I took electrolytes and a multivitamin as I’m running around after my kids but its an important part of the fast – I drank one cup of clear herbal tea in the morning – If it gets too much then stop. Don’t force yourself to continue if you feel awful


I felt absolutely awful, If you have done Keto then I can only compare it to Keto Flu. It could possibly have been Caffeine withdrawal too as I was drinking at least 6 cups a day to just function.

Days 1-3 were definitely the toughest. I was having migraines and feeling weak but surprisingly from day 2 onwards no hunger.

I drank water when I felt hungry or thirsty. I didn’t overdo it with drinking gallons of water as I was worried about flushing out electrolytes. Instead, I drank to thirst.

I also found I felt very cold. This has always been the case with me even when I am doing intermittent fasting.

DAYS 3-5

I can safely say the migraines had disappeared and so had the tiredness and brain fog. I seemed to be able to get more done for work and I started to take a brisk walk for an hour. I felt amazing, no hunger, and definitely no cravings!

I felt less bloated by day 3 and could see a difference around my waist.

Getting up quickly caused me to be dizzy so I needed to get up slowly. I was, however, still freezing.

DAYS 5-7 

These were by far the best days of the diet. I felt lighter and I could definitely see I had lost weight especially around my midriff and face. I felt great now I was worried about transitioning back to eating normally.


I decided to transition back slowly. Starting with one meal and then 2 after a few days. I decided to use this as an opportunity to get back onto the Keto diet which has always worked so well for me.

I’m feeling great. Brain fog has lifted and I have a great deal of mental clarity and energy.


In 7 days I lost 22lbs! Transitioning back to a keto diet meant I gained back another 4lbs but that’s come off plus more.

I would wholeheartedly recommend this 7-day water fast to anyone who wants to kick start weight loss

Water fasting is very simple but NOT easy.


The lemonade diet is a fasting diet that relies on an entirely liquid-based diet.

Also known as the Master Cleanse, the lemonade fast is rumored to have wonderful benefits when it comes to weight loss as it is purported to cleanse toxins (Master Cleanse) and burn fat.

There’s a downside with this diet that most people aren’t prepared for with any juice fast.

Unfortunately, no solids are to be eaten for at least 10 days, which can make you feel very hungry. Any participant in this diet will be getting their nutritional sustenance and caloric intake from a lemon drink you make and sweeten at home.

Although there are claims that this lemonade fast is able to burn fat, making you slimmer.

Throughout this article, I’ll be delving into the evidence for and against this diet to allow potential participants to decide if this diet is right for them.


The biggest hurdle to overcome with this diet is cutting out a lot of things that are bad for you as well as solid food.

Cutting out solid food in its own right is a hard thing to overcome when you consider that most of us have been eating solid food our whole lives. There are 4 days of preparation you’ll need to undertake to help you acclimate to the lemonade cleanse.


On the first day, it’s important to cut out solid foods that are high in carbs like bread, alcohol, caffeine, dairy and anything sugary. You can get away with the odd bit of fruit though.


On the second day, try and accustom yourself to only eating a couple of pieces of fruit and treat yourself to a bowl of soup or broth.

A glass of grapefruit juice at some point in the day if you’re feeling unwell should help to perk you up.


On the third day, do your best to drink nothing but water but if you feel your blood sugar feels low, another glass of grapefruit juice will help.


On the fourth day, do the same as you did on the third but before you go to sleep try and have a cup of laxative tea.

You’ll also need to stock up on lemons, maple syrup (or honey), cayenne peppers and spring or distilled water. All of these items feature in the making of the drink. You also might want to pick up a drink bottle to put the drink in.


The instructions for making this drink are surprisingly simple.

The first thing you need to do is squeeze a couple of tablespoons of lemon into a glass or bottle. Then add two tablespoons of maple syrup or honey, 0.2 grams of cayenne pepper and fill with 250-350mls of distilled or purified water, then your golden.

The key to this diet is consuming the drink mentioned above whenever you start to get hungry.

More than 5 of these drinks need to be consumed each day, but there’s not really an upper limit as long as you’re not over-drinking. Your body can’t handle more than a litre of fluid in an hour so you should avoid drinking more than 3-4 an hour.

Stimulating bowel movements during Master Cleanse seems to be a necessary part of the process, so you should drink a cup of laxative tea in the first day or two.

After this, because you’re not consuming much in the way of solids, you should have no problem with bowel movements not passing through.

The recommended duration of this diet is between 10-39 days.

This down to this diet being dangerous in the long term as it doesn’t provide adequate long term nutrition. If after 39 days you don’t start eating properly again, you may develop health concerns including malnutrition.


There will come a time when you feel like you’re ready to get back to a normal diet with solid food.

It wouldn’t be wise after 10-39 days of no food to go back to eating 3 square meals of solid food a day. It’s better to taper the solidity of your food consumption up slowly. There are 3 days of recommended steps to get you back to solid food without any problems.


The first day revolves around introducing different sugars and something other than liquid into your diet.

We do this by drinking fresh fruit juices. Grapefruit juice is always a solid choice as in its own right it has dietary benefits.


The second day brings you back to the closest thing you’ll have had to a real meal in a while.

A bowl of soup or broth is your best friend in this situation. Avoid bread for now though and just have the soup. You’ll likely find the bowl of soup or broth filling enough on its own.


The third day allows you to eat fruit and vegetables.

Bananas are a good choice if you’re feeling shaky thanks to the potassium involved. The good news is that from the fourth day on you can start introducing solid foods back into your diet.


Multiple studies have concluded that the lemonade fast can lead to a short-term weight loss of, on average, about 2.6kg (5.7lbs) after 7 days.

After 2 weeks that will lead to a loss of just over 5kg. As a modified type of fasting, this diet works by consuming a lower amount of calories than the body is able to eliminate. With each drink containing just 110 calories, it’s no surprise that this diet has great short-term effects.

While the short-term success of this diet seems to be backed by studies, the long-term success of this diet is more contested.

The biggest problem with long-term success is that lacking in solid food for so long can cause diet-related malnutrition which can lead to things like anaemia. Removing certain foods from your diet and making small and more manageable changes and sustaining them is more likely to provide long-term, higher level results.


Claims were made that the Master Cleanse is able to remove toxins through the digestive system.

There isn’t anybody of evidence to support these claims making it difficult to back this fasting diet as an actual cleanse.

Healthier eating choices like eating broccoli (cruciferous) and spices can help with strengthening the liver.

This allows it to do its job better which, considering the liver’s entire job is to metabolise and neutralize toxins, means you needn’t worry about finding ways to exert effort into doing it yourself. To summarise, there’s no evidence at all that this Master Cleanse actually helps reduce the number of toxins in the body.



Accessible and Easy – Because of how simple this diet is, there’s no need to worry about complex recipes or adhering to multiple elements.

After you’ve prepared for going into the diet by slowly adjusting the solidity of the nutrition you’re consuming, followed the diet for however long after 9 days you need to, and then readjusted to adding more solidity in your diet slowly, there’s nothing else to worry about. It also helps that the recipe for the lemonade drink is nice and easy to make.

Cheap and Cheerful – The lemonade drink is the only thing you need to worry about on your diet.

It also helps that all of the ingredients for the diet can be found in almost any shop and they’re all cheap. To be fair, when you take into account the reduction of normal foods, you might actually save some money in the process.


Dietary Concerns – Consuming nothing but the lemon drink at the centre of the lemonade fast diet isn’t healthy long-term.

The number of essential nutrients provided in this diet like proteins, fibers, minerals, and vitamins are negligible in comparison to a normal diet. The nutrition provided by the drink includes 23 grams of sugar in every drink you make. That’s a lot of sugar, which creates concerns related to mass sugar intake being heavily linked to diabetes. With a recommendation of more than 5 servings of this drink per day, you’ll be talking just shy of 140 grams of supplemental sugar. Although carbohydrates are often viewed as the enemy when you’re trying to lose weight, they actually have nutritional benefits including providing the energy to function while you’re active in day-to-day functions.

It’s Anything but Easy – There’s nothing worse than pining for a nice juicy steak and not being where you need to be.

At that point all you can do is carry on and tell yourself that the steak waiting for you will taste all the sweeter when your weight is where it needs to be.

It’s also hard to go out to a restaurant with friends when you’re just drinking the lemon drink. Without consuming any complex carbs, you might find your energy level drops significantly when you?re a few days in. This is when it’s hardest to stick to the diet. The short-term gains are worth it but long term, stress hormones are increased during this diet which has been known to cause weight to increase in the long term.

Medical Concerns – The Master Cleanse isn’t without medical side effects.

The most common ones are things like headache, becoming dizzy, being tired all the time, feeling irritable and agitated, hair loss, feeling weak a lot and cramping. To top all of this off, there’s also the risk of gall stones. Because of all this, it’s more medically sound to make healthy dietary changes over a more prolonged period, but using this for 2 weeks shouldn’t cause too many side effects provided you?re otherwise completely healthy.


When you first wake up, use roughly 900mls of warm water and add a couple of teaspoons of sea salt to help with moving your bowels.

At multiple times during the day try and fit in more than 5 drinks. Spreading them out will help level nutrition.

Before you sleep, a cup of laxative tea is ideal.


The Master Cleanse isn’t for everyone.

If you’re diabetic or have any long-term medical conditions, talk to your doctor before starting any type of fasting diet. It is 9-39 days in length which is a long time to go without solid food, plus the loss in weight is only short-term. For long-term weight loss and keeping it off, making changes to your diet and lifestyle like starting an exercise regimen are going to be the best and healthiest ways to do it.



For anyone having trouble transitioning into ketosis, a five-day egg fast can help your body to burn fat from food and fat stored in your body, rather than burning glycogen from carbs.

An egg fast can also help kick start weight loss for those who have plateaued in their weight loss journey.

The egg fast can help your body get back to burning fat and back to losing weight.

It can reduce your carb intake significantly and get you back on track.


This is when a dieter almost exclusively eats eggs for the duration of the fast, this is typically 3 or 5 days.

The dieter will not eat any other food apart from the small amount of healthy fats but will predominately stick to eggs for meals and snacks,

On the egg fast you have the freedom to eat and enjoy eggs in whatever way you like Poached, fried, scrambled or even an omelette.

Your goal is to consume 6 eggs a day along with 1oz of cheese with every egg and a teaspoon of healthy fat.


The keto diet focuses of high fat, moderate protein and low carbs.

Nothing fits this brief more then the trusty egg. Not only does it fit in with your macros but eggs are jam packed full of nutrients.

The egg white contains protein, iron, zinc, copper, selenium, vitamin B12, D and B6

The egg yolk is where the fat is found along with vitamin A,D,E, and K.

The best eggs to consume on the keto diet are omega 3, organic and pastured this will ensure that you are eating the most nutritious eggs available.


The egg fast works by getting your body into the metabolic state of ketosis where your body uses ketones as a source of fuel.

Although an egg fast will help you lose weight there are a number of factors that can affect how much weight you will lose.

This will be based on factors such as your starting weight, gender, height, how close you are to your goal weight and how much food you consume.

For example someone who has a great deal of weight to lose can expect to lose a lot more then someone who doesn’t have much to lose.

Many people report losses of around 5 – 10lbs in 3-5 days.


*Weight loss *Loss of appetite *Flat tummy *Reduction of insulin resistance


Many people suffer from keto flu, which is when your body adapts to ketones as a source of energy instead of glucose.

It is not a very nice feeling at all and can include increase in appetite, headaches, nausea, sleep disturbances, bad breath and weakness. Taking your electrolytes regularly can help overcome the keto flu.  This is why it is recommended that you are on the keto diet before you try the egg fast.

Constipation is another side effect as this diet contains no fibre, which most of us need to keep regular.

Again, staying on top of your electrolytes and keeping well hydrated should help.


*Diabetics *Those without a gallbladder *Those who have an eating disorder *Pregnant women *Cholesterol hyper responders *Breastfeeding Women


1. Eat at least six eggs per day This is not a calorie-restricted diet so eat to fullness.

2. Buy the best quality eggs you can Free range eggs may contain more omega 3 fats and vitamin D.

3. Eat one tablespoon of butter per egg Coconut oil, olive oiland mayo may also be used.

4. You may add up to one ounce of cheese per egg if desired Make sure your cheese is low carb and full fat

5. Drink as much water as you can: at least 2-4 litres MINIMUM Black or bulletproof coffee, black tea, green tea and herbal tea can be added if required.

6. Add salt and keep taking your electrolytes Consider extra magnesium and potassium to prevent cramps. If you suffer from constipation then flaxseed may help.

7. Exercise daily Even a short walk will help maintain lean muscle mass.

8. Eat three meals a day; if not hungry eat one egg Your appetite will be reduced but keep eating to preserve lean muscle mass.

9. Follow the egg fast for three days; five days may give better results You will be sick of eggs by the third day.

10. Transition back to your normal diet E.g. the day after eat two egg meals and one normal meal (whatever you usually eat), the day after that eat one egg meal and two normal meals.

Consider keeping on eating at least two eggs a day to maintain the effects of the fast.


*Within half and hour of waking consume 1 egg

*Eat both the whites and yolks

*Have between 3-5 meals of 2 or more eggs per day.

*Eat every 3-5 hrs even if you don’t feel hungry

*Have an egg at least 3 hours before you go to bed

*Sauces and condiments are allowed but they need to be keto approved and low in carbs.

*Herbs and spices are allowed

*Butter, coconut and olive oil can be used as good fats

*Stay hydrated

*Tea and coffee are permitted on the egg fast


*No meat is allowed for the duration of the fast

*No fruit is allowed while you are on the diet

*No vegetables are allowed

*No nuts are allowed

*Refrain from artificial sweeteners and diet sodas

*No alcohol

*No heavy whipping cream


Ultimately the goal of an egg fast is to jolt your body into ketosis.

The egg fast is supposed to be a short sharp kick to your metabolism to get things moving in the right direction. It is supposed to be used as part of your normal keto diet to break through a plateau.

If you do decide to continue your egg fast past the recommended 3-5 days you may begin to find that your body is missing out on vital nutrients that aren’t found in eggs such as fibre, something everyone’s body needs to promote healthy digestion.


By the time I tried the egg fast I was well into my keto journey.

I had lost a fair amount of weight but at 5 months in had hit a wall. My scale hadn’t moved in over a week and I really couldn’t workout what was going on.

I must mention that I was getting close to my goal weight so that may have had an impact on the stall and the weight loss slowing down,

I decided to give the egg fast diet a shot as I had plateaued and couldn’t get my weight to budge, even though I was adhering strictly to my recalculated macros.

Initially, I intended to do 3 days but was willing to do 5 if I possibly could.



2 boiled eggs mashed with Boursin cheese

Cup of black coffee


2 egg cheese omelettes

Large glass of water


Poached eggs with cream cheese



Egg mayo and cup of herbal tea


Cream cheese pancakes


Cheese omelette



Scrambled eggs and smoked salmon with a large cup of black coffee


3 devilled eggs and water


Crustless cheese quiche

So by day 3 I’m absolutely sick of eggs but I want to keep going as I can feel my belly feels flatter and my trousers are feeling slightly looser.



2 fried eggs with black coffee


Leftover crustless cheese quiche


Cheese omelette



2 poached eggs with black tea


Egg mayo large glass of water


Cheese omelette

Yes, by the end of day 5 I never ever want to see another egg as long as I live


So, after completing the fast I had in fact lost 5 lbs of weight which is amazing!

I’m really glad I kept on going as the results really were fantastic. On day 6 and 7 I added 1 keto meal back in and on days 8 and 9 another and by day 10 I was back to my 3 keto meals. I gained 1 lb back overall but I believe that’s because I slowly added the meals back in.

Overall weight loss was 4 lbs which aren’t bad at all for 5 days.

The egg fast really gave my body the jolt it needed and the weight continued to drop off until I reached my goal.

Saturday, 6 February 2021

7 Weight Loss Tricks You Can Start Doing Today

Losing weight can be a very difficult task to overcome especially for those who are highly motivated. In addition, as a person ages the more difficult it gets to maintain an appropriate weight.
One thing many people wonder is if there are any ways to "reverse engineer" life moments (just my fancy way of saying tricks) to help with weight loss.
Here are 9 weight loss tricks you can start using today:


Studies have shown that eating food off smaller sized plates lead to eating less.
For example, studies were conducted in a controlled laboratory setting where they focused on food and eating habits of participants. They found that many participants had no clue of the changes in the portions offered and how it affected the amount they had eaten (1).
This leads to overeating! Don't overeat!
Unfortunately overeating happens more often than we think. So to solve that problem, pay real close attention to your bowls and dishes. Or better yet, ask for a smaller portions if you're trying to to lose weight. Save leftovers in a to-go box. If you've been constantly on the lookout for weight loss tricks, mark that down!


The study also explains that the more people get distracted (eating out for example), the more they become unaware of the portion sizes handed to them. People who were served 50% more pasta ended up eating 43% more than those with normal portions. Yikes!


An average American adult spends approximately 5 hours a day watching television. Now, it's safe to assume that the time could be spent planning meals for the rest of the week or getting more exercise throughout their day!
If you're one of them (Don't worry, I won't tell anyone) here are a couple of ways to make use of those extra hours:
  • Yoga: Doing yoga regularly offers many benefits, including making you feel better about your body as you become stronger and more flexible, toning your muscles, reducing stress, and improving your mental and physical well-being. It also helps with weight loss and you can do it practically anywhere inside your home.
  • Dancing
  • Collect bugs
  • Wash or walk the dog
  • Wash the car
  • Water your garden
  • Write an autobiography or a short story
  • Meditation
  • Read a newspaper
  • Browse the internet
  • Make a weight loss smoothie


Many people often associate fruit with sugar--specifically the health conscious eaters. While it is a source of natural sugar, some fruits are rich in fiber and will work wonders for kickstarting your metabolism.
Here are some examples of fruits with plenty of fiber content:
  • Raspberries
  • Blackberries
  • Apples
  • Oranges
  • Flaxseeds
  • Grapefruit
  • Watermelons


It's commonly known that the longer your body stays up the more time your hunger signals will kick in, signaling that it's time to eat again--leading into a snacking trap. Curb your cravings by going to bed before those evil cravings get the chance to cry over more food!
You can set the alarm clock at an earlier time instead and enjoy the remaining left over time for some exercise, meditation or meal prepping.


Basically any time you eat make sure to give yourself the right portion sizes. Once you finish one portion and are craving for more, put yourself on timeout for at least 20 minutes to see if you're still feeling hungry.
Why 20 minutes?
It takes our bodies around 20 minutes to recognize that we're physically full. And if your stomach still isn't happy, feel free to help yourself to more food. This little trick actually works quite effectively.


As humans, our bodies can react in interesting ways to temperature changes. The warmer the temperature is, the less energy/calories your body needs to keep you warm.
What does this mean?
When our bodies are in the thermoneutral zone, this is where our body does not have to regulate our body temperature, so we feel less inclined to eat because we already feel relaxed and the need for satisfaction is less likely to be strongly desired.
However, when our bodies are above or below this zone, we increase the amount of energy we spend, which "decreases energy stores", such as fat (2).

4 Ways to Manipulate Your Hormones To Help You Lose Weight

When it comes to losing weight there are many factors that affect your progress. Your brain is actually one of the biggest obstacles that stop you from achieving the weight loss results you want.
And it doesn't stop there. Even household chemicals can play a major role in weight gain.
Even to diligent eaters a slice of cheesecake can be irresistible. What bugs us humans is why we sometimes give in to temptation even though we know we have our better judgments.
Researchers at the Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital (MNIH) have found a possible explanation: The second we see delicious food, a hormone in our bodies called ghrelin starts to send irresistable signals to the brain telling us to just eat that cake, now.
This is one of many found results in research destined to find out the causes of being overweight. “We’re closer to recognizing just how complicated obesity is,” explains Arya Sharma, MD, professor of medicine at the University of Alberta.
He also added that the good news is a matter of what causes us to gain weight and hold on to it, the faster we can find a cure for obesity, or simply a solution to just dropping those extra 10 pounds.
For now, weight-loss treatments (typically calorie reduction and exercise) must be maintained forever.
Either way, here’s a good list of what should be kept in mind for weight loss:


The MNIH researchers studying the gut hormone ghrelin (using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)) found that it increases the neural response—therefore, appetite in regions of the brain appetite in regions of the brain responsible for "programming" the feeling of reward in the values of food. “In other words, when we see food we like, we are exceedingly compelled to eat it,” says Alain Dagher, a neurologist at MNIH. “Unfortunately, our brains are likely wired to value high-calorie foods, which is important if food is scarce or difficult to obtain,” he explains.
Here's a tip: Increase the appeal of low-calorie foods by thinking about them more positively. Rethinking about almonds is a sure good way to start.


According to a study in the March 2008 Archives of Internal Medicine, any decreases to the functioning of the thyroid is associated with weight gain. When this gland in the neck does not secrete enough hormones, it can result in lower metabolic rates (symptoms include fatigue and weight gain).
However, Caroline Fox, MD, an endocrinologist at the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, says her research group was surprised to discover that women whose serum thyrotropin (TSH) levels were relatively high, but still within the normal range used by doctors to diagnose thyroid conditions, gained up to four pounds over three and a half years compared to women whose TSH did not increase.
“If a patient feels she has gained excess weight or has trouble losing weight despite adherence to a healthy lifestyle, she should talk to her physician,” says Fox, who adds that this research is too preliminary to consider tinkering with the current range for medical diagnosis.


Research shows that exposure to endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) at an early stage in life can increase the risk of certain cancers; bisphenol A (BPA) may be one of these chemicals. Now a team at Tufts University has discovered yet another reason to avoid prenatal or perinatal exposure to BPA: It may cause weight gain later in life.
Retha Newbold of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences says the findings in animals may also be true for humans. “When a fetus or baby is exposed to endocrine-disrupting chemicals, the body’s set point the balance between energy in, as calories, and energy burned is irreversibly altered,” she explains.
Of course, EDC exposure is not the only risk factor for obesity—diet and exercise are major players—nor does exposure early in life guarantee weight troubles later. “But it does help explain why some people have more difficulty losing weight and keeping it off than others,” Newbold adds. For now, she recommends avoiding EDCs where possible, including phthalates (found in some cosmetics and cleaning products) and BPA. That means opting for fresh foods over canned (many of which have a lining that contains BPA), avoiding polycarbonate water bottles and not heating foods in plastic containers.


According to research published in the journal Cell Metabolism, subcutaneous fat, which is found around the hips and bottom, may actually provide some protection against type 2 diabetes. “Subcutaneous fat appears to make a substance that is secreted into the blood and improves insulin sensitivity and metabolism,” says C. Ronald Kahn, MD, a researcher from the Joslin Diabetes Center in Boston.
When it comes to belly fat, University of Western Ontario professor Kaiping Yang reported a startling discovery. The kind of fat cells found in the abdomen produce a hormone—neuropeptide Y—that acts as an appetite stimulant. (Appetite was formerly thought to originate only in the brain). Worse, the hormone stimulates further fat cell production. This research, published in The FASEB Journal, suggests that women who tend to carry weight around their middle may find it harder to lose overall body fat.
And it’s tough to spot-reduce belly fat with exercise, say certified fitness consultant Scott Tousignant. The best approach to slim down all over is combined aerobic and resistance exercise. “When resistance exercises are done properly, they should elevate your heart rate,” he says.

8 Ways to Purge Belly Fat in a Single Day

You've most likely been seeing information left and right about the dangers of belly fat and realizing how there's hundreds of thousands of posts out there that encourage the diminishment of belly fat around your stomach area. Well, the majority of these information are right and backed by science. You should try as hard as you can to diminish the belly fat around your waist area, as it is linked to health risks. No one wants to live with the ugly sight of belly fat showing anyways. You probably don't want to either. A couple of years ago, research from Mayo Clinic revealed that being normal weight with excess belly fat is even riskier than just being obese. This study involved a representative sample of the US population of more than 12,000 subjects, ages 18 or older. Making use of surveys, additional facts were acquired including weight, height, hip and waist measurements, lab tests, illnesses, and socioeconomic status. That data was matched to the National Death Index about 14 years later, and people with cancer and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease were not included in the analysis. They then found that the subjects with a normal body mass index (BMI) who had a high waist-to-hip ratio (apple shaped) were more likely to die from any cause, even compared to people who are obese. In addition, this group was almost three times more likely to die from heart disease and 2x as likely to die from any causes compared with those with a healthy waist-to-hip ratio and normal BMI levels. Now that you're (possibly) shaking in fear, here are 8 ways to help you diminish that belly fat within 24 hours:

Burn belly fat with regular workout sessions

Make sure you get your daily workout sessions clocked in! Regular exercise is one of the best ways to be successful in fast weight loss efforts and weight maintenance. And since there's no correct answer as to whether the ideal workout is resistance training or aerobic, your best option is to do a little bit of both. Resistance training is especially important for people over 30, who will otherwise begin to lose bone density. Contrary to popular belief, abdominal crunches are not going to melt away belly fat, though they will help build muscle that could help define the area. And since muscle mass has a higher resting metabolic rate and energy expenditure than fat, it could help you trim down.

Burn belly fat by incorporating more fiber into your diet

It's a great idea to incorporate more fiber into your diet plan (especially soluble fiber found in legumes, chia seeds, oats, fruits and vegetables). These can help reduce the accumulation of fat in the abdominal area. Fiber is infused with water, filling up the volumne of your stomach contents and giving you a a feeling of fullness. It also reduces the absorption of fat from food by binding with bile acids (required for digesting dietary fats).Fiber can also bind with sugars and other carbs, reducing or delaying their absorption into the bloodstream.

Burn belly fat by cutting out alcohol

It’s called a beer belly for a reason! Alcohol consumption has long been associated with abdominal obesity and can easily derail your fat-loss efforts. Alcohol is not only high in calories, but it’s the body’s preferred fuel, so when you drink it, the other macronutrients in your food will be sent into storage (aka your belly, or possibly your thighs or butt). Alcohol is also notorious for lowering your self-control and inhibitions, so you can easily end up eating and drinking too much.

Burn belly fat by getting adequate sleep

When you understand how lack of sleep contributes to obesity, you’ll realize how important it is to get good sleep every night. Sleep regulates endocrine function, maintaining the right balance between the hunger hormone ghrelin and the satiety hormone leptin. Sleep deprivation increases appetite, insulin resistance, and the stress hormone cortisol, all of which contribute to fat accumulation in the body. Make sure that you get at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep every night.

Burn belly fat by cutting out sugar

If you're regularly eating sugar, especially refined sugars such as the sugars added to sweetened food and beverages, you should probably cut down as they are the leading cause to an excess of visceral fat. The fructose and glucose that come out of sugar are simple carbohydrates (commonly referred as carbs) that get absorbed quickly into the bloodstream and metabolized to release energy. When there's an excess intake, they get converted to glycogen to then be stored in fat tissue. Consuming plenty of sugar also contributes to a spike in your blood sugar, which drives insulin to be released in large amounts, potentially leading to insulin resistance (which is actually associated with metabolic syndrome).If you begin to cut out all sweetened foods and drinks (including fruit juices), you will greatly reduce the chances of potentially developing more belly fat. So if you wanted to lose belly fat fast , it's a good idea to start with this habit. As a healthier substitute, you can swap them with natural sweeteners such as raw honey, coconut crystals, and even fresh fruit.

Burn belly fat by soothing the mind

Yoga and meditation can aid fat loss, but not so much from the physical effect of the movements as from their calming and relaxing effect. Several studies have linked high levels of the stress hormone cortisol to weight gain, particularly in the belly area. Practice yoga for at least 20 to 30 minutes a day for best results, or start a daily meditation practice.

Burn belly fat by consuming more protein

Protein is one macronutrient that can really help fight belly fat. When you eat more protein, it keeps you fuller longer and reduces the hunger hormone ghrelin, helping you slash the total calories you consume in a day. High-protein meals, with 20 to 30 grams of protein each, can also help you burn more calories by raising the body’s metabolic rate. Eat up to three protein-rich meals a day to keep your appetite and cravings in check. Good sources of protein include poultry, lean meat, eggs, fresh-caught fish and other seafood, cottage cheese, and yogurt. Include one or more of these in every meal.
